Sunday, June 17, 2012

Running Commentary: 2
June 14, 2012

     Yike-A-Doodles! Linda, the world class sentry, informed me this morning that yesterday's ramblings appeared on Facebook. The technology lessons keep on coming in a heap.

     Early morning newspaper (hard copy) news line: ""Study: Cougars spreading across Midwest." If this meant, foxy, older women, I agree.

     I bought a great purse last Sunday--a Sherpani. This bit of news doesn't have a thing to do with running, except every girl needs a feel good purchase now and then.

     Laura said, "I can hardly breathe!"

     "My chest hurts," I responded.

     Can't you just feel the sympathy?

     Currently (Noon): 86 degrees; 59% humidity. Readings not nearly north enough for legitimate whining.

     At least this short exchange almost got us through the initial, very brief stay of emotional heavy rain.
All of these early morning wet clouds came from two causes: 1) Laura's carting around and delivering resumes and not finding instant employment. This letting go of one job was an act of choice. It's just that she's run smack-dab into the realities of today's marketplace. So far, the 'over-the-rainbow' job has been promised or filled. But, Laura's not a 'giver-upper.' 2) Laura and her handsome husband had an early morning tiff. At that bit of news, I laughed. From my perch, marital spats mostly fall into a category of funny.

     Subject changed; laughing stopped; the sun came out. Running will do that to you. It robs time of heavy rain.

     Joel didn't like the first blog. He said my writing voice had gone missing. Besides that, he told me he knew all those old family stories. Do I have to tell everything? Shouldn't mothers be allowed a couple of secrets? Even those jangled out of the deep memory universe, where the web lives, covering and holding dark, painful, and dangerous deeds of the past? No doubt about it; running's a jungle of untold, hidden stories. Maybe that's what the newspaper headline meant--older, wiser, cougars of the run (not on the run), are spreading these stories across the Midwest.


1 comment:

Fernandez said...

Glad to see you're posting more frequently. Cougars like that:)